I just got an award! yay! Thanks Tawny! She's from
http://tawnysdesigns.blogspot.com/ . Tawny actually awarded me this back in April and I forgot to post it. I just got around to posting it.
The Rules for the Stylish Blogger award are:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to me and link back to their blog
2. Share 8 things about myself
3. Pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
4. Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition
Here are 8 interesting things about myself:
1. I am a twin and my sister is just as cre8tive as I am.
2. I have spent a summer in China. I saw many wonderful thing and even walked on the Great Wall.
3. I love teaching Middle school Math and History. I know I'm weird. I would rather deal with teenagers than the little ones.
4. I love camping, hiking, fly-fishing, ATV-ing, and doing many other ourdoor activities when traveling with my husband.
5. My favorite flower is the daffodil. They remind me of growing up in Oakhurst, CA.
6. I have to watch the Wedding Singer every time that it is on TV, even though I own the DVD.
7. I have 25 nieces and nephews. Yup! Crazy family gatherings. and NO I do not have children of my own, but I do have a beautiful step-daughter who is 21years old.
8. I dated my husband for 10 years before we got married. On May 27th we will be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.
Here are the 8 people I admire their work.
1. Rochelle -
2. Eric -
3. Marit -
4. Brenda -
5. John -
6. Ayana -
7. Aly -
8. Alicia -